Help with a water repellent spray for boots

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    Susan Chaika

    Those are BEAUTIFUL! For boots like those, I would actually use a conditioning cream. Not only will it help waterproof the leather, it will help protect the leather against scuffs, and keep the leather hydrated so it doesn't crack. It will slightly darken the color though, so keep that in mind.

    This is the conditioning cream I use most often:

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    Teresa Haun

    Thanks so much, Susan. Sounds like a great recommendation. Anything else that won't darken the color at all though? 

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  • I use this as my all-purpose waterproofer. It still lets leather breathe while protecting it. It will go on a little dark when you first apply it, but dries clear and doesn't affect the color. Always test in an inconspicuous place first though!

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    Cheryl Neoh

    +1 for Susan Chaika's recommendation of Kiwi waterproofers!

    I've used those on countless pairs. My only added recommendation is to buy it in bulk, especially if using it on calf-height boots like yours since it's quite a bit of spraying surface area. 

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    I've found this guide to be really helpful:


    1. Prep your boots/shoes

    The first thing you’ll want to do is unlace your boots or shoes and shake them together to loosen up and break away any excess dirt.

    2. Wipe down boots/shoes

    The next thing you’ll want to do is gently wipe down your Thursdays using a Horsehair Brush to remove any dirt from the surface.

    3. Get some fresh air

    Before applying Pro-Tex Water + Stain Protector you’ll want to make sure that you are in a well ventilated area.

    4. Apply suede spray

    Holding the nozzle 6-10 inches away, apply an even coating of suede spray to your boots or shoes. Note that they may initially appear darker, but the leather will lighten up as they dry.

    5. Wear and enjoy!

    Let your boots or shoes dry for 5 to 10 minutes before wearing and then you’re good to go. Repeat the above steps as needed; we recommend every 1-2 months.

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    I love the colour of those boots above.

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    John Brown

    Would be great if you guys sold this as a product!

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