Jane Dough
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Пользователь Jane Dough создал публикацию
leather care
Hi, I recently purchased some boots from you but they are scuffing badly at the front when ever I wear them. What can I do to protect / clean them?! Help! Thanks! Jane
Пользователь Jane Dough создал публикацию
Any suggestions on a leather cleaner
Hi All - I am looking for a suggestion on a new cleaner for leather. Any ideas?
Пользователь Jane Dough создал публикацию
Dancing shoes for wide feet
Hi Shoe La La shoppers! I’m in my sister’s wedding and am looking for cute shoes I can dance in. Either the comfy heels in wide sizes aren’t stylish, or the cute ones don’t fit wide feet well.I’m t...
Пользователь Jane Dough прокомментировал
That is bad-ass! I love my North Face Hedgehogs -- they are lightweight AND waterproof (as long as you don't submerge it in water of course). I've had them for years and they've definitely withsto...
Пользователь Jane Dough прокомментировал
Oh those are cute Rachel Palad! The stiletto ones look very Lady Gaga-esque. Ankle breakers for sure.
Пользователь Jane Dough создал публикацию
Heel-heavy wear - cobbler or DIY?
ЗавершеноHey y'all, Cobblers aren't easy (or cheap) to come by nowadays. Apparently I'm a heel-heavy walker and my boots ALWAYS wear out on the heels before anywhere else. Is there an easy way to repair tho...
Пользователь Jane Dough прокомментировал
Why?!?! The Pennsylvania Senior Games shirt gives me the fuzzies though -- but on him it just looks downright ratty-tatty.
Пользователь Jane Dough прокомментировал
I had the same pair too Valeria Gomez! Feels like shoes are a great way to add color to my wardrobe -- I think these Sam Edelman ones might come in other colors?
Пользователь Jane Dough прокомментировал
I hope that's not real cow :( I'd be moo-st upset
Пользователь Jane Dough создал публикацию
Shoe La La's Exxxotic Heels
Gladiator fashion was all the rage a few seasons back. But when paired with heels, is it too much?