
Jane Dough

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  • Suscripciones 20

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Última actividad de Jane Dough
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    Jane Dough creó una publicación,

    leather care

    Hi,   I recently purchased some boots from you but they are scuffing badly at the front when ever I wear them. What can I do to protect / clean them?! Help!     Thanks!   Jane

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    Jane Dough creó una publicación,

    Any suggestions on a leather cleaner

    Hi All - I am looking for a suggestion on a new cleaner for leather.  Any ideas?

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    Jane Dough creó una publicación,

    Dancing shoes for wide feet

    Hi Shoe La La shoppers! I’m in my sister’s wedding and am looking for cute shoes I can dance in. Either the comfy heels in wide sizes aren’t stylish, or the cute ones don’t fit wide feet well.I’m t...

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    Jane Dough hizo un comentario,

    That is bad-ass!  I love my North Face Hedgehogs -- they are lightweight AND waterproof (as long as you don't submerge it in water of course). I've had them for years and they've definitely withsto...

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    Jane Dough hizo un comentario,

    Oh those are cute Rachel Palad! The stiletto ones look very Lady Gaga-esque. Ankle breakers for sure. 

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    Jane Dough creó una publicación,

    Heel-heavy wear - cobbler or DIY?


    Hey y'all, Cobblers aren't easy (or cheap) to come by nowadays. Apparently I'm a heel-heavy walker and my boots ALWAYS wear out on the heels before anywhere else. Is there an easy way to repair tho...

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    Jane Dough hizo un comentario,

    Why?!?! The Pennsylvania Senior Games shirt gives me the fuzzies though -- but on him it just looks downright ratty-tatty. 

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    Jane Dough hizo un comentario,

    I had the same pair too Valeria Gomez! Feels like shoes are a great way to add color to my wardrobe -- I think these Sam Edelman ones might come in other colors? 

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    Jane Dough hizo un comentario,

    I hope that's not real cow :( I'd be moo-st upset

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    Jane Dough creó una publicación,

    Shoe La La's Exxxotic Heels

    Gladiator fashion was all the rage a few seasons back. But when paired with heels, is it too much?